Saturday, 9 October 2010

Chinese Food

Chinese food -Dim Sum
Chinese cuisine Any of several styles of food originating in the regions of China, some of which have become highly popular in other parts of the world — from Asia to the Americas, Australia, Western Europe and Southern Africa. Where there are historical immigrant Chinese populations, the style of food has evolved – for example,American Chinese cuisine and Indian Chinese cuisine are prominent examples of Chinese cuisine that has been adapted to suit local palates. In recent years, connoisseurs of Chinese food have also sprouted in Eastern Europe and South Asia. The culinary Michelin Guide has also taken an interest in Chinese cuisine, establishing Hong Kong and Macao versions of its publication.                                                                                                                  Quick Easy Chinese Vegetarian Cooking(click here)
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Regional cuisines A number of different styles contribute to Chinese cuisine, but perhaps the best known and most influential are Sichuan cuisine, Shandong cuisine, Jiangsu cuisine and Guangdong cuisine. These styles are distinctive from one another due to factors such as available resources, climate, geography, history, cooking techniques and lifestyle. One style may favour the use of lots of garlic and shallots over lots of chilli and spices, while another may favour preparing seafood over other meats and fowl. Jiangsu cuisine favours cooking techniques such as braising and stewing, while Sichuan cuisine employs baking, scalding, and wrapping, just to name a few. Hairy crab is a highly sought after local delicacy in Shanghai, as it can be found in lakes within the region. Beijing Roast Duck is another popular dish which is well known outside China.Based on the raw materials and ingredients used, the method of preparation, and cultural differences, a variety of foods with different flavours and textures are prepared in different regions of the country. Many traditional regional cuisines rely on basic methods of preservation such as drying, salting,pickling and fermentation.
Chinese painting of an outdoor 
banquet. The painting is a Song 
Dynasty remake of a Tang Dynasty
In most dishes in Chinese cuisine, 

food is prepared in bite-sized pieces, 
ready for direct picking up and eating.
In traditional Chinese cultures, 

chopsticks are used at the table.
Dim Sum is a Cantonese term for small snacks. These bite-sized portions are prepared using traditional cooking methods such as frying, steaming, stewing and baking. It is designed so that one person may taste a variety of different dishes. Some of these may include rice rolls, lotus leaf rice, turnip cakes, buns, shui jiao style dumplings, stir-fried green vegetables, congee porridge, soups, etc. The Cantonese style of dining, yam cha, combines the variety of dim sum dishes with the drinking of tea. Yam cha literally means ‘drink tea’.                          
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Presentation In most dishes in Chinese cuisine, food is prepared in bite-sized pieces, ready for direct picking up and eating. In traditional Chinese cultures, chopsticks are used at the table.Traditional Chinese cuisine is also based on opposites, whereby hot balances cold, pickled balances fresh and spicy balances mild.
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